Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Bravo Fall
Location: Helm At Deemers Landings :
Address: 419 West Ninth St 307 New Castle, DE 19720
Nature: Bravo Fall
Location: Helm At Deemers Landings :
Address: 419 West Ninth St 307 New Castle, DE 19720
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
Location: Pencader Corporate Center
Address: 230 Executive Dr ,
Cross Streets: Unknown / Corporate Blvd
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
Location: School Bell Apartments
Address: 1707 Varsity Lane Bear, DE 19701
Cross Streets: Unknown / Dead End
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Alarms - Residential (Single)
Location: Wynthorpe
Address: 17 Mallory Ct ,
Cross Streets: Dead End / Aldwyn Dr
Nature: Medical Emergency
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